Clay Painting Frame Cherry Blossom - Brainbow Kids

Clay Painting Frame Cherry Blossom


Availability: 3 in stock (can be backordered)

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Box comes with one Art Project with step by step instruction manual (english and mandarin).

Children will learn how to draw tree branches using chinese caligraphy ink and paint brush provided. Rubber clay is firm enough for children to roll and form Cherry Blosson Flowers. Toothpick is used to to shape the petals. Finish off with a easy to fold frame. Ready to be displayed in your home this CNY!


1. Instruction Manual

2. Cardboard Wooden Design Frame

3. Shiny Red Gold Flake Paper

4. Rubber CLAY 2 colours

5. Toothpick

6. Glue Stick

7. Chinese Black Ink

8. Paint Brush

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